Bagjump Airbag Request
Brands who trust Bagjump

We have had multiple Bagjumps already including a OnePiece Landing for FMX. The smaller Onepiece bike landings are amazing and we are able to have quick practice sessions outside. We just carry the ramp outside and inflate the airbag. Literally takes less than 10 minutes.

Bagjump has helped all of us at Nitro Circus make the impossible possible. The highest quality bags with the most cutting edge safety development. Anything else is just a bag.

The longevity of Bagjump products is outstanding. We have had multiple airbags now for over 3 years without any issues whatsoever. Thanks to Bagjump’s replaceable air pillar system we could exchange more heavily used air pillars in the landing area easily during our monthly maintenance. The printed topsheet still looks great.

I was not sure if the landing bag would be good enough for FMX, a lot of questions came in my mind. But after we got the Bagjump landing bag I realized that is the best option. No bounce, easy to set up, and which is the most important, the safety feeling you have when you ride it. You feel the years of experience on these products.

The Bagjump Allround Airbag has been absolutely insane out here at R Willy Land. I have done basically the biggest jumps you can think of into it and the landings have been super soft and safe. I wouldn’t want any other airbag for going this big. So many worlds first tricks are happening. I am stoked!

Perfect addition for my daily routine practicing for competitions. We have been moving it around in the gym from large trampolines to minitramp. It has been great especially to teach kids and beginners.